More usage of pdftk

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Here is more usage of pdftk. This post keeps being updated…

Note: If you want to know how to install pdftk in Linux, please refer to Create a table of content with links for PDF

Merge multiple PDF files to one PDF files

  • Change into the directory where the PDF files are waiting to merge, then type:
    pdftk *.pdf cat output bind.pdf
  • Merge PDFs with a specified order:
    pdftk A=file1.pdf B=file2.pdf cat A B output bind12.pdf

Split PDF pages into single page PDFs

The following command splits bind.pdf into single page PDFs as page01.pdf, page02.pdf, page03.pdf

pdftk bind.pdf burst output ./pdfs/page%2d.pdf

if the output section is omitted, the single page PDFs will generated in the current directory.

Delete pages in a PDF file

For example, Remove page 9 from file.pdf, and save in new.pdf:

pdftk A=file.pdf cat A1-8 A10-end output new.pdf

Set a password to protect PDF

pdftk file.pdf output protected.pdf owner_pw <password>

Open a protected PDF with its preset password

pdftk file.pdf input-pw <password> output unsecure.pdf

Note: This command seems not functional with the PDF that is encrypted by Adobe Acrobat.


